The purpose of this page to periodically highlight books and projects that are either already out or that are coming soon. Check back often to see what we have going on here at Sistership Publishing.
Here at Sistership, one of our guiding principles is togetherness. After all, we are changing the world together through creative works. In the spirit of togetherness, we are working on a large format coffee table book that captures a glimpse of daily life all over the world one cup of coffee at a time. We would love to have you be a part of this movement. Send us your pictures of your coffee mug (or tea cup) wherever you enjoy coffee or tea. Try to capture as much of the background scenery as possible, especially if you are near any landmarks. If your picture is chosen, you will be featured in our coffee table book. The proceeds generated by the sales of the book will go toward funding our upcoming publishing projects. So, you won’t get any money if your pictures are published, but you will get credit. If you’d like to include a caption, please let us know. If you have a website or a blog or YouTube channel, let us know that too so that we can include it in the captions.
If you would like your own Sistership Publishing coffee mug, see our Ship’s Chandler in the SHOP.