If you are interested in becoming one of our authors, we would love to hear from you. Our query process is a very organic thing with a life of its own at this point. We ask that you don’t send us your entire manuscript. We receive quite a few submissions every day, and we physically do not have time to read everyone’s full manuscripts.
We need to get to know your work first. The query process is your introduction.
To make the query process less stressful, more fun and easier for us to get to everyone, we set it up a form. You can access it here.
If it takes us a while to get back to you, don’t worry. We haven’t given up on you, we just haven’t gotten to you yet. Hang in there. We have been in your position. We know how grueling it is to sit and wonder if anybody got our queries. Sitting around wondering is pure torture, so we promise that we will let you know one way or the other. We look forward to reading your queries!